ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) Information for Parents from Robert W Arnold.
Filmed on location in the NICU, a pediatric ophthalmologist describes the potentially blinding disease, retinopathy of prematurity. ROP is due to abnormal blood vessel growth driven by chemicals generated in the avascular retina. Time lapse Retcam images from Dr. Anna Els show disease progression and treatment impact.
ROP Pathophysiology and Treatment from Bob Arnold.
Saving a telemedicine exam in ROP Check.
ROP Check works with any camera and allows you to upload camera images to a patient record or exam.
Using the Add New Patient form in ROP Check.
Batch print the exam summary reports after the day's exams with one easy click of a button.
ROP Check can keep track of billing for each exam.
If a baby is sent home before maturity, the patient record is sent to the outpatient. No appointments get lost after discharge.
If a baby is sent transferred to another NICU, the patient record is sent to the hospital. The treating physician can see previous exams also.
You can easily find patients by searching the database using a simple query.
The new exam form in ROP Check allows for quick viewing of previous exam results. The eye can be drawn in color. Follow up is saved with the exam.
If a baby returns to the NICU after being discharged, simply readmit them using the form.
You can search for a patient and find the previous exams easily in ROP Check.
Please watch this video for a demonstration of the key features in ROP Check software. ROP Check is a convenient ROP Safety Net that embodies the best practices in ROP Care. It is very easy to use and saves staff a tremendous amount of time and frustration.
This video demonstrates the Add New Patient and Conduct Exam features in ROP Check. It shows how the AAP guidelines are incorporated into the software to reduce risk.
Without ROP Check, discharging and transferring a baby is both risky and inconvenient because there is a possibility the appointment could be lost. ROP Check solves that problem - as shown in this video.
No other software can provide the research and reporting capabilities as found in ROP Check. This video demonstrates some of the reporting capabilities.
This is a promotional video for ROP Check software.
Avastin for ROP from Zinnia Matrix on Vimeo.
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding disease of tiny newborn infants. In addition to peripheral retinal ablation by laser or cryotherapy, ROP can be treated with intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF agents like Avastin.
ROP Treatment from Zinnia Matrix on Vimeo.
ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) is a major cause of blindness in premature infants due to abnormal blood vessel growth stimulated by chemical factors like VEGF. Neonatologists screen and ophthalmologists stage ROP in the NICU. If ROP reaches a bad, threshold stage, then treatment is recommended to prevent scarring and reduce the risk of blindness. Treatment can include cryotherapy and intraocular injection. This video highlights laser treatment for threshold ROP.